
Jesus the Cause of Division

  Notes on Luke 12:51   Here are some ideas on Luke 12:51:   1. During this lesson, Jesus focuses on the importance of valuing spiritual matters over earthly things. He asks His followers to remain faithful and complete their assigned tasks.   2. Jesus did not come to establish a temporal [time-related] kingdom marked by outward peace and calmness. Instead, He came to reconcile [to create agreement between] humanity with God and proclaim [announce] the Gospel of peace.   3. God's Word for You: The passage in Luke 12:51-53 highlights that Jesus' mission was not to bring superficial [shallow] peace but rather to bring salvation [saving or protecting someone from sin or harm] and division. The Bible is considered holy and transformative [important] in cleansing and sanctifying [blessing] believers.   4. Bible Verse Meaning: The verse questions whether Jesus came to bring peace on earth in the form of a temporal [time-related] kingdom. It challenges the idea of


  Title: The Promise of God's Favour   Point 1: God's Recognition of His People Revelation 3:9 - "Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who says that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you." God promises to vindicate [clear] His people and make their adversaries [enemies] acknowledge [admit] His favour upon them. This verse reminds us that God sees and knows all things and will ultimately bring justice and recognition to His faithful followers.   Point 2: Standing Firm in Faith Revelation 3:10 - "Because you have kept my word about patient endurance [toughness], I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth." By remaining steadfast [unstoppable] in obeying God's Word and enduring [lasting]   through trials, we can trust in God's promise to protect and sustain u

Introducing The BIBLE & IT's Divine Revelation

  Divine Revelation   The Bible is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures. It is divided into two main sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains the religious writings of the Jewish faith, while the New Testament focuses on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early Christian church.   Point 1: The Old Testament The Old Testament consists of 39 books that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ. These books include historical accounts, poetry, prophecy, and laws that were important to the Jewish people.   Point 2: The New Testament The New Testament consists of 27 books that were written after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These books focus on the life and teachings of Jesus, the early Christian church, and the spread of the gospel.   Point 3: The UNITY of the Bible KEY VERSES that highlight the importance of the word of God is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which says, "All Scripture is breathed out

Bible N' Shobhi's View - YouTube Channel Link

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  Why Bible starts with God mightily like a lion and end humbly like a sheep?   The Bible begins with Genesis, where God exhibits His power and authority in the grand act of creation, showcasing His mighty and sovereign nature, the same as a lion. This demonstrates His supreme power and rule over the universe.   It ends with Revelation, where Jesus Christ, who is often symbolised as the Lamb of God, represents humility, sacrifice, and the ultimate act of redemptive love. The portrayal of Jesus as a lamb highlights the fulfilment of God's plan through kindness and humility.   Thus, the arc from God's mighty creation to the humble sacrifice of Jesus encapsulates the full spectrum of His character and His plan for humanity—from creation and authority to redemption and sacrificial love.

Survival of the FITTEST

Survival of the FITTEST   Who will survive the battle [Old Testament]/ win the race [New Testament]?   In My View - The possibilities are   1)      GOD – Father, Son, Holy Spirit & Heavenly Creatures [Holy Bible] 2)      Satan – Lucifer/Son of Morning Star & his dark forces [Isaiah 14] 3)      man – Nimrod [Genesis 10:8–12] & other Kingdoms of like   Why these possibilities?   1)      GOD – He was the maker of Heaven [Satan] & Earth [man]. So, HE has the upper hand over the other two. Moreover, he came in the form of a man & won over Satan, through the cross satisfying it to save his creation the man who is created in his image from the clutches of evil.   2)      Satan – He was a creation of GOD with all its beauty & was placed just below GOD. But he was not satisfied with the stature/position he got & he wanted to make His seat above GOD. Knowing His thoughts to go up GOD brought him down to the deepest part of the world of th

FAITH – According to the Bible

  FAITH – According to the Bible   ü What had Abraham done through Faith? Abraham's belief is a central theme in the Bible, and it provides valuable insights for believers. Let's explore this further:   1. Genesis 15:6:    - In this passage, Abram (later known as Abraham) believed in the Lord, and God credited it to him as righteousness. This act of faith was foundational for Abraham's relationship with God.    - His trust in God's promises, even when they seemed impossible (such as the promise of descendants), exemplifies unwavering faith.   2. Romans 4:1-22:    - The apostle Paul refers to Abraham's faith in this chapter. He emphasises that Abraham was justified by faith, not by works.    - Abraham believed in God, and this belief was counted as righteousness. His faith was credited to him even before he was circumcised.    - Through Abraham, we learn that faith is essential for all believers, regardless of their background or circumstance