Jesus Christ's Mission and English Grammar - ...not only Matthew 15:24 ...but also John 3:16


How is not only… but also… a correlative conjunction in English grammar related to Jesus Christ and his mission?


The phrase “not only… but also…” is a correlative conjunction. It pairs two elements in a sentence to emphasize their equal importance. Here’s how it works:

1.     Structure: “Not only X but also Y”

2.     Usage:

o    Connects and emphasizes two words or phrases at the same position.

o    Presents both phrases as surprising or unexpected, with the second one often more surprising than the first.

3.     Examples:

o    “I have not only a pet mouse but also a pet dog.”

o    “My friend Joe has not only helped me but also given me a lift.”

o    "A pet dog does not only bark but also bite."

In the Bible, Jesus’ mission is multifaceted. While Matthew 15:24 records Him saying, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel,” it’s essential to consider other passages too. John 3:16 emphasizes God’s love for the entire world, not just a specific group. So, while Jesus initially focused on Israel, His ultimate purpose was universal salvation. Christianity teaches that a personal relationship with Jesus is the exclusive path to salvation.

Summary: Like the correlative conjunction not only… but also…Jesus Christ’s mission is not only for the lost sheep of Israel (His people) but also for the entire world.


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